June 4, 2016

Peiliee ♥ Alice in Wonder World Clock Necklace ♥ Review

Hey sweets!

I got a super super sweet necklace review for you this time, yay! It is the first time I had to do a review in America. If you follow me on Instagram you might know that I am currently living at the US east coast for three months. This means I had no clue how to make a pretty background or how to lay my new photos out, so I really hope you still like it! My bedroom is still in work for all the pink decoration it's getting and my new full body mirror gets a flower makeover, woohoo. However! Let's start with the review ♥

Peiliee.com is a really unique and sweet shop, with lots of  precious handmade items. I'd definitely recommend following their Instagram (@peilieeshop) for updates of these items, because usually they only have a few in stock and they won't be available again once they're sold out! They sell super sweet kawaii fashion, jewellry, leather items and lingerie. I especially love that they even sell stuff from popular brands like Bobon21 and Cream Made - they're their official seller!

♥ Go to Peiliee.com when you click here and see the necklace if you click here

 And a special super duper offer:
♥ You can use "Sugarmew" for 10% off their whole shop ♥
 ♥ "LoveSugarmew" for 15% this pretty necklace! :3 ♥

This precious card was included in the packaging! It looks so magical and super cute. You guys don't know how much I appreciate cute decoration for packaging, it is so so adorable!!

Review and Rating

I think the design is super adorable. The bow is kinda big on a really slim ribbon band, but I really like that. I'm personally not such a fan of really thick choker, so it's perfect for me. The clock looks super precious and I love gold jewellry! The little fork on the clasp is such a pretty little detail too. I know you can't really see it when you wear the necklace, but I just appreciate details like that a lot. It makes the feeling of wearing the necklace a lot more cute! I wish it was more of a lighter pink color, but this is just personal preference because most of my outfits contain a really light pink. The necklace comes in black, violet and two different shades of pink by the way! 9/10 ♥

The quality is seriously top, I have nothing more to say. Everything seems super stable and nicely glued or sewn together. Usually I'm kinda afraid to pull accidentally on a choker I wear, just to not destroy it. But this choker seems of such a nice quality that I am less afraid to damage it. I'm really pleased and didn't have an issue with it. 10/10 ♥

$15, which is just perfect for a piece like that. I'd have given it the exact same price. 10/10 ♥

Peiliee and Shipping:
Peiliee Shops owner - her name is Peiliee - is a super nice and friendly person! (Actually I love her a lot, she's so super sweet thehe) So if you have any concerns or questions, I'm sure she'll answer them. She does a lot for her shop and holds Instagram giveaways on a regular basis, so once again I geniunely have to recommend following her. She shipped the necklace from Sweden I believe, which means no problems with customs to Germany! But since she had to send it to me to America, I didn't had any problems anyways with them. (I think this is one of the nicest things about living in America - I've never had problems with customs so far. YAY)

Overall: 10/10 ♥

♥ You can use "Sugarmew" for 10% off their whole shop ♥
 ♥ "LoveSugarmew" for 15% this necklace ♥

So, I really hope you enjoyed this tiny pretty review. What do you think about it? As always, you get the fastest reply when you write me on my Instagram (@sugar.mew) because I'm on there eeevery single dayyyy. I'm such an addict, I know, I know, it's a serious issue q.q Oh, and did you see Alice in Wonderland: Through the looking glass yet? I've seen it in the cinema and the clock really fits the great clock in the movie! I already got a compliment from a cute woman that I look like Alice, so I feel extra Alice-y with this necklace xD

I hope you have a great day sweethearts ♥♥♥

My other social media:

Instagram: @sugar.mew
ask.fm: sugarmew
Facebook: sugarmewx
Mail: sugar.mew@web.de

disclaimer: I'm sponsored by Peiliee.com,, all the opinions are honest and my own though. Besides of the watermark, no pixels are mine and from tumblr. Have a great day ♥ 

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