I think one of the most popular questions, which I get under almost every single picture and where I get at least every other day dm'd for, is: What do you use to edit your pictures? How do you edit them?
It's no secret at all how I edit them, and I finally want to answer the questions with one simple tutorial... I will also refer everyone to here if I get the same question later on xD
So, I hope this explains it all!
I screenshotted every step and try my best to describe it as good as possible, but if you don't understand something feel free to ask me on my Instagram (@sugar.mew). It doesn't really matter what kind of picture I edit by the way (selfie, outfit, products, nature), the steps are basically always the same. I rarely ever use a different filter because I want to keep my feed consistent ^-^
Oh, my phone is a Samsung Galaxy S7 by the way. Everything can vary from phone to phone, but I think the Apps should be available in the IOS Store too.
So, let's get started!
Step 1: Open the picture you want to edit in your gallery. I always choose pictures which have lots of white background, or at least are kind of light in the first place. I try to avoid really dark pictures because the quality messes up incredibly much when you lighten it a lot.
Step 2: Open it in the BeautyCam App. It's for free in the Appstore.
Step 3: Tap on "Filters" and select the filter "Blues" my fave filter! @cherinymph on Instagram recommended it to me, and since then I just love it ♥ I vary how much heavy I apply it from picture to picture a little more or less, but most of the time I apply it around 65% - like shown in the right picture!
Step 4: Tap on "Tones". I really like a blueish tint on my pictures, so I put the whiten, tones and tanned option like shown above. Apply more or less of the whiten option, depending on how light your picture is in the first place.
Step 5: Okay, finished with this App! Tap on "Save & Share". Simply close the App after that.
Step 6: Go to your Gallery. BeautyCam may save it in a new folder called "Camera", depending on if you use a SD card or not.
Step 7: Open the picture in the App Snapseed. As always, it's free to use and available in the Google Play Store. Tap on the Editing Button in the App like shown in the right picture above.
Step 8: Tap on "Details". You simply swipe with your finger to the left or right ot make the effect stronger or weaker. It usually starts with +/- 0. You have the option to go -100 or up to +100. Simply play around if you feel like it! Swipe upwards or downwards to go to the different editing options like Structure or Sharpening for the Details. I have Structure on +34 and Sharpening on +8 for this picture because I want to give it a little more depth. Click on the tick mark in the lower right corner to apply.
Step 9: (Optional, not shown): Select "Tune Image" to change the light! Snapseed is the best for that in my opinion. My picture was really light in the first place, so I didn't have to do that. Play around with the light - I usually lighten my picture a lot, but also give it a little bit of shadows.
Step 10: After applying, tap on the Editing Button again and select "Brush" You can choose between "Dodge & Burn", "Exposure", "Temperature" and "Saturation" here. I usually only use Dodge & Burn and Saturation. Using the Dodge & Burn brush on -10, I darken my eyelashes and the camera a little. Then I used Saturation on +5 to make my lips a little more saturated.
Step 11: Using Dodge & Burn on +5, I lighten my legs a little, and the skirt. Then I used the Saturation brush on +5 again to saturate the pink background and my jacket a little bit. The filter from BeautyCam washed it out a lot!
Generally for the brush tool on Snapseed: Lighten: hair, legs, things/clothes that are too dark. Darken: eyelashes, camera. Apply more saturation: lips, circle lenses, pink objects in the background.
Step 12: Done with Snapseed! Tap on the "Done" button and it will close the App, going back to your Gallery. Go to your newly edited photo (Snapseed usually makes a new folder called "Snapseed" with all of your edited photos from there).
Step 13: Tap on "Share" and Open the picture in the App "MeituPic". It's free at the Google Play Store. However, it may be that the App is described in Chinese symbols. It will be in English though once you've installed it! I tap on "Edit a photo" or "Retouch" to open it in MeituPic. MeituPic has two different editing options: "Beautify" where you can edit your facial features, or "Retouch" where you can play around with filters. However, in the Gallery menu is kinda confusing because "Edit a photo" will bring you to the Retouch menu, and tapping on "Retouch" in the gallery will bring you to the Beautify menu. In this case, I tapped on "Edit a photo".
Optional: Open it under "Retouch", it will bring you to the Beautify menu like previously said. I really like the "Skin" option there, where I put the option "Smooth" on around 30, "Whitening" depending on how light the picture is and "Tone" between -50 and -25.
You can simply switch between MeituPics Beautify or Retouch options when tapping on the lower far left red symbol, saying either "Retouch" or "Beautify".
Step 14: Click on Magic Brush. Cutie @ b4by.jpg on Instagram recommended it to me! I love it so much now ;;^;;
Step 15: I use the "Dazzle" brush to draw. I draw angel wings, cat whiskers, ears or a tail, little hearts or write something on my picture.
Step 16: Decide for a cute brush and put some stars, hearts or glitter on your picture. Play around! Confirm and apply with the tick.
I'll just show you some brushes I love to use now! "Violet" is super pretty for big pink, blue and violet bokeh circles.
"Hearts" is similar like "Violet", just with pink, white and red hearts and some pink background tints.
"Flipped" is my favorite brush. It makes different kind of hearts in pink and white.
I use "Dreamy" frequently too. It gives little shiny sparkles, sometimes in blue or green. I decided to use this one for the outcome of the picture.
Step 17: Tap on "Save & Share" when you're finished. It will get you to the saving screen, where you tap on the Instagram symbol to open it on there.
Step 18: I don't apply any Instagram filter, but go to the advanced options. Then I raise the Contrast a little. It will make colors a little brighter, the white whiter and darks a little darker.
Step 19: After that, I raise the Structure again for more depth.
Step 20: I really love light, yes xD Why not giving it a little more brightness by 4 percent.
Step 21: FINALLY DONE. Write a 10 pages long essay as your caption to do it my style lel. I always write too much in my captions, I know xD But I just love to talk to anyone so much.
Isn't it wonderful how my battery went from about 80% to 68%? Well okay, I took a hundred screenshots too.
So, I hope this was helpful! There's a hundred ways of editing pictures, this is mine! It is supposed to be inspiration and showing to you the Apps I use. Like I've already said, this is how I personally like to edit all of my pictures. When you always use the same filter etc it results in a cleaner feed I think ^-^ I know the picture is super overexposed and extremely light, but in my opinion it looks a little darker on my phone than on my PC and I just love really light pictures.
I hope you like playing around with all these options, have fun!
As always: I hope you have a great day! ♥♥♥
My other social media:
Instagram: @sugar.mew
ask.fm: sugarmew (inactive)
Facebook: sugarmewx (inactive)
Mail: sugar.mew@web.de
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ReplyDeleteI examined a photograph against all the accessible channels, with and without outlines, and tried how I could share my posts through other social channels. BRSM Company