May 4, 2016

Tuppence Store ♥ Pink Gemstone Necklace Review

Hey cutiepies!

Today I have another review for you! This time from a tiny UK-based store called Tuppence. They have a variety of different Accessories like phone cases, patches, gem necklaces and socks. I was lucky enough to get sent a beautiful pink and gold gem stone necklace (spoiler: which I really looooove)! Gold is always my best friend, and pink anyways as you all know I think. So here's the pictures:

The little gemstones were in the packaging as well, just like the two charms! There's nothing better than a cute packaging with decoration. Perfect!

The necklace came in this little bag with a big "Thank you" c:

There's the clasp. As you can see there is only one length you can clip the clasp in, unfortunately you can't make it longer or shorter. I prefer it when you're able to do so, but that's okay as well!

The stone in different lights: daylight, ...

..., basic light in my room, ...

... and in the shadow!

(whoopsie, there the necklace said goodbye in my tops neckline)

I really love the shade of pink!

... And here is one example on a black shirt! The pink doesn't show as much as on a light shirt.

Review and Rating

Design and Quality: So, first off, I really like the length of the necklace. It shouldn't be any longer (I just can't like really long ones...), but like this it is really cute! I'm just sad you can't adjust the length in any way. The pink is clear and in a really lovely shade, but because it is kinda light, you don't see it so well on dark clothes. But that's okay, if it would be more pink I don't think it would be in a pretty shade anymore to be honest. So I'm 100% fine with that! The gold material doesn't seem cheaply made, but decent. Of course I can only say after a looot of usages if it will discolor a bit or not, but right now it doesn't seem like that. Mhm, let's see. I will give it a 8/10 ♥

Price: 5.99 GBP, which makes currently 7,55 EUR or 8,69 USD. I've seen gemstone necklaces a little cheaper, but I think the price is perfectly fine. 8/10 ♥

Shipping & Tuppence Store: The shipping was reeeeally fast, but of course, the UK is Europe so it never takes really long within EU countries (I live in Germany!). So I didn't have problems with customs either, this just happens when I get stuff from non-EU countries. Tuppence Store was besides of that really nice to me and replied fast! I am sure you can send them a mail or write a DM at their Instagram store (@tuppencestore) if you have any important questions. 10/10 ♥

All in all: 8/10 ♥

So cutiepies, I really hope you enjoyed the review. Let me know what you think! And feel free to ask me if you have any questions. As you may know, since I am an Instagram addict you'll always get the fastest reply when you write me a DM or a comment on a current picture (@sugar.mew)! 

I hope you have a wonderful day ♥

My other social media:

Instagram: @sugar.mew sugarmew
Facebook: sugarmewx

disclaimer: I got the necklace sponsored by Tuppence Store, all the opinion are 100% my own though, Besides of the watermark, no pixels are mine and just found on tumblr.

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